Tuesday 1 November 2011

The War In General

The Great War began in 28 July 1914 and ended in 11 November 1918.
Before the war there were several complications between the major empires of Europe. Alliances that were formed within countries were triggered after Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife (heirs of the Austro-Hungarian throne).
Princip was an associate of the Black Hand Society, this group wanted Serbia to not be ruled by a foreign power; Austria-Hungary. As the Austro-Hungarian empire was infuriated with the deaths of their heirs, they seeked support from Germany to attack Serbia. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy were the Triple Alliance. On the other hand Serbia had an alliance with Russia. As Russia was now involved, Britain and France were too. (These three countries made up the Triple Alliance)
Previous rivalry between Germany and France evoked Germany’s desire to mobilise and attack France. Germany intended to invade Belgium to get to France; this is where many people got killed: western front. The invasion on Belgium prompted the British to officially declare war on Germany.
Many events occurred, one after the other. The war was only expected to last for a few months. Within a few weeks the major powers were at war; via their colonies. Countless lives were lost, and many soldiers came back traumatised. The world had never before seen anything more catastrophic.


  1. Hey four legs,
    Very informative, I hope to see a picture of a horse(Horris) soon.

  2. I'm not even going to ask about the four legs comment above. Ummm, you have good information and you've included some of the main points which were imperative. Good job girls! Oh god, I sound like a teacher. Keep writin da history yeahyeahyeahyeah, <3

  3. This is a very well written post. You concisely summarise the major factors that led to the outbreak of World War One. It was particularly good to see you put events into context, i.e. the assassination occured because of oppression and the previous conflict between France and Germany led to increasing tension. Well done, great post (VH).
